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ACI C29-95Bridge Repair and Rehabilitationstandard by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1995
Concrete Terminology for the Legal ProfessionBook by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1996
ACI 318 Code Set [ Withdrawn ]2-Part Set - ACI Building Code and Commentary (318-95/318R-95); and Notes on ACI 318-95 (EBO70D)standard by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1995
Metrication in ConcreteBook by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1995
ACI 548.3R-95State-of-the-Art Report on Polymer Modified Concretestandard by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1995
Design and Performance of Mat Foundations - State-of-the-Art ReviewBook by American Concrete Institute, 05/01/1995
Chemical and Air-Entraining Admixtures for ConcreteBook by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1996
Quality Concrete Construction - Toolbox Meeting Flyers, Concrete BasicsBook by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1996
Prestressed Concrete - A Fundamental ApproachBook by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1996
ACI CIS1-96Quality in Concrete Constructionstandard by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1996
ACI C35-96Floors & Slabsstandard by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1996
Reinforced Concrete - A Fundamental ApproachBook by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1996