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Fifth CANMET/ACI Intl Conf on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in ConcreteBook by American Concrete Institute, 09/01/1997
ACI 126.1R-97Guide to a Recommended Format for the Identification of Concrete in a Materials Property Databasestandard by American Concrete Institute, 10/01/1997
ACI CP16-98Technician Workbook for ACI Certification of Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician - Grade I and Grade IITraining Material by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1997
ACI C37-97Precast & Prestressed Concretestandard by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1997
Design Handbook: Beams, One-Way Slabs, Brackets, Footings, Pile Caps, Two-Way Slabs, and Seismic Design in accordance with the Strength Design Method of 318-95 [ Withdrawn ]Book by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1997
ACI 360R-92 (R1997) [ Withdrawn ]Design of Slabs on Gradestandard by American Concrete Institute, 12/01/1997
ACI CP31/PACKTransportation Inspector Reference PackageTraining Material by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1998
ACI 56NWY1Prestressed Beam and Bracket and CorbelSoftware by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1998
ACI 7ZP3Cantilever Retaining WallSoftware by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1998
ACI 13ZP9Lateral Shear Wall AnalysisSoftware by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1998
ACI 17ASD3Section PropertiesSoftware by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1998
ACI 8ZP4Prestressed BeamsSoftware by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1998