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ISTA 7ETesting Standard for Thermal Transport Packaging Used in Parcel Delivery System Shipmentstandard by International Safe Transit Association, 10/01/2010
HEI Standards Discount Bundle 1standard by Heat Exchange Institute, 2018
ACI 40PCV2MATS(tm): Analysis and Design of Mat Foundations, Combined Footings and Slabs-on-Gradestandard by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1998
AGA XU1706Survey of Underground Storage of Natural Gas in the United States and Canada: 2016/2017Report / Survey by American Gas Association, 07/31/2017
NEMA C12 SeriesSmart Meter Package (ANSI C12 Series)standard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2015
HEI Standards Discount Bundle 2standard by Heat Exchange Institute, 2018
3A Accepted Practices SetFull Set of 3-A Accepted Practices (includes HTST 603-07)standard by 3-A Sanitary Standards,
ACI 66PCV7PCAFRAME - Three-Dimensional Static Analysis of Structures - SOFTWAREstandard by American Concrete Institute, 01/01/1998
NEMA SSL SetSolid State Lighting (SSL) Standards Setstandard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association,
IEST Air Filtration HandbookAir Filtration HandbookHandbook / Manual / Guide by Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, 04/11/2016
IMS Small Business Package (9001:2015 QMS+14001:2015 EMS+45001:2018 OHSMS+50001:2018 EnMS)Training Material by 9000 Store, 2018
CII IR213-2Front End Planning Toolkit 2014.1standard by Construction Industry Institute, 11/01/2014