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IoT Webinar: Managing Supply Chains in Real-time with Smart Sensors (10-User License)Training Material by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2018
IoT Webinar: Demystifying Blockchain (10-User License)Training Material by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2018
IoT Webinar: A Manager's Guide to Augmented Reality (10-User License)Training Material by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2018
IoT Webinar: Make the Most of Your Big Data Investments (10-User License)Training Material by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2018
IoT Webinar: How the IoT is Transforming Medical Imaging (10-User License)Training Material by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2018
IoT Webinar: Getting an Edge on IoT Architecture (10-User License)Training Material by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2018
IoT Webinar: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (10-User License)Training Material by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2018
IoT Webinar: Smart Manufacturing - Factories of the Future (10-User License)Training Material by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2018
GEOP Series: Distribution System Design, Revised 2004, Book D-1, Vol. IIIBook by American Gas Association, 01/01/2004
TIM Innovation Standards Set (PDMA)PDMA Innovation Management Core Standards Setstandard by Total Innovation Management (TIM) Foundation, 01/01/2015
ISA 60079-11 (12.02.01)-2012Explosive Atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i"standard by The International Society of Automation, 12/21/2012
ISA 62443-2-4-2018Security for industrial automation and control systems, Part 2-4: Security program requirements for IACS service providers (IEC 62443-2-4:2015+AMD1:2017 CSV, IDT)standard by The International Society of Automation, 07/13/2018