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ASME BPVC.II.A-2023 SA-409/SA-409M
One or more of the following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified in the
purchase order. The purchaser may specify a different frequency of test or analysis than is provided
in the supplementary requirement. Subject to agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer,
retest and retreatment provisions of these supplementary requirements may also be modified.
S1. Product Analysis
S1.1 At the request of the purchaser a product analysis of
one coupon representing finished sheet or plate from each heat
shall be made by the pipe manufacturer. The drillings for
product analysis may be taken from shear crop or test specimens.
The results of product analysis shall conform to the
requirements in Table 1 and shall be reported to the purchaser.
S2. Radiographic Examination
S2.1 Weld soundness shall be determined through radiographic
examination made in accordance with requirements as
agreed upon between the pipe manufacturer and purchaser.
S3. Corrosion Requirements
S3.1 Boiling Nitric Acid TestExcept for Grade TP321,
coupons representing finished pipe made of nonmolybdenumbearing
material 0.50 and less molybdenum shall meet the
requirement of the boiling nitric acid test conducted according
to Practice C of Practices A262. The condition of the test
specimens and the corrosion rates are as follows: Type 347 and
Type 348 shall be tested in the sensitized condition heated for
1 h at 1240 °F [675 °C] and the rate of penetration shall not
exceed 0.0020 in. [0.05 mm]/month. All other
nonmolybdenum-bearing types, except for Grade TP321,
shown in Table 1 shall be tested in the annealed and unsensitized
condition and the rate of penetration shall not exceed
0.0015 in. [0.04 mm]/month.
S3.2 Acidified Copper Sulfate TestCoupons representing
finished pipe made of molybdenum-bearing material and Type
321 over 0.50 molybdenum shall meet the requirements of
the copper-copper sulfate-sulfuric acid test intergranular corrosion
test conducted in accordance with Practice E of
Practices A262. The condition of the test specimen is as
follows: All molybdenum-bearing types shown in Table 1 shall
be tested in the annealed and unsensitized condition. Type 321
shall be tested in the sensitized condition heated for 1 h at
1240 °F [675 °C]. All specimens shall meet the requirements
of the prescribed bend test.
S4. Ferrite Control of Weld Deposits
S4.1 The ferrite content of the deposited weld metal in any
length of pipe may be determined. The procedural details
pertaining to this subject that is, welding, plate and weld
deposit chemistry, testing equipment and method, number and
location of test sites, and ferrite control limits shall be a matter
for agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
S5. Stabilizing Heat Treatment
S5.1 Subsequent to the heat treatment required in 5.3,
Grades TP321, TP347, and TP348 shall be given a stabilization
heat treatment at a temperature lower than that used for the
initial solution annealing heat treatment. The temperature of
stabilization heat treatment shall be at a temperature as agreed
upon between the purchaser and vendor.
S6 Intergranular Corrosion Test
S6.1 When specified, material shall pass intergranular corrosion
tests conducted by the manufacturer in accordance with
Practices A262, Practice E.
NOTE S6.1Practice E requires testing on the sensitized condition for
low carbon or stabilized grades, and on the as-shipped condition for other
S6.2 A stabilization heat treatment in accordance with
Supplementary Requirement S5 may be necessary and is
permitted in order to meet this requirement for the grades
containing titanium or columbium.
S7. ASME Section III or Section VIII, Division 1, Code
S7.1 All products furnished under this SA specification are
intended for application under the rules of Section III or for
application under the rules of Section VIII-1. Furnishing of
such products is limited to manufacturers who hold the
appropriate ASME Certification Mark. Weld procedures,
welders, and welding machine operators shall be qualified in
accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
Section IX.
S7.2 The product shall meet all applicable requirements of
Section III or Section VIII, Division 1, if applicable, including
those requirements pertaining to heat treatment and butt welds.
Authorized inspection at the point of manufacture and application
of the appropriate Certification Mark is required.
S7.3 The applicable ASME partial data report form, signed
by an authorized inspector, and a certified mill test report shall
be furnished for each lot of pipe. The term “lot” applies to all
pipe of the same mill heat of material and wall thickness which
is heat treated in one furnace charge. For pipe which is not heat
treated or which is heat treated in a continuous furnace, a lot
shall consist of each 200 ft [61 m] or fraction thereof of all pipe
of the same mill heat of material and wall thickness, subjected
to the same heat treatment. For pipe which is heat treated in a
batch-type furnace which is automatically controlled within a
50 °F range and is equipped with recording pyrometer so that
the heating records are available, a lot may be defined the same
as for continuous furnaces.
S7.4 Each length of pipe shall be marked in such a manner
as to identify each such piece with the “lot” and the representative
certified mill test report.