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ASME BPVC 2023 Section II part D (metric)

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next ordered by strengthfirst tensile strength and then
yield strength. Finally, for a given UNS number, tensile
strength, and yield strength, stress lines are ordered by
increasing specification number. Again, some materials
may have two or more stress lines even if their UNS number,
tensile strength, yield strength, and specification
number are the same. The Notes provide direction for
the applicability of each line.
For those material specifications that may not show
UNS numbers associated with alloy grades, one again
can refer to Section IX, Table QW/QB422 for that
For Table 1B, nominal compositions are shown only for
the NXXXXX and RXXXXX materials, but they have no influence
on the location of alloys in the table. In this Table,
the nominal compositions are simply for information.
2.3 TABLE 2A
Table 2A provides design stress intensities for ferrous
materials for Section III, Division 1, Classes 1, MC, and
CS; Section III, Division 3; and Section III, Division 5 construction;
and allowable stresses for ferrous materials for
Section VIII, Division 2, Class 1 construction. This Table is
organized in the same manner as Table 1A. Refer back to
para. 2.1 for that description.
2.4 TABLE 2B
Table 2B provides design stress intensities for nonferrous
materials for Section III, Division 1, Classes 1, MC,
and CS; Section III, Division 3; and Section III, Division 5
construction; and allowable stresses for nonferrous materials
for Section VIII, Division 2, Class 1 construction.
Table 2B materials are ordered in the same manner as
in Table 1B. Refer back to para. 2.2 for that description.
2.5 TABLE 3
Table 3 provides allowable stresses for bolting materials
for use in Section III, Division 1, Classes 2 and 3; Section
VIII, Division 1; Section VIII, Division 2 using Section
VIII, Division 2, Part 4.16; and Section XII construction.
The table first covers ferrous materials and then nonferrous
materials. For the ferrous materials, the ordering logic
parallels that used in Tables 1A and 2A first by
nominal composition, then by increasing ultimate tensile
strength, then by increasing yield strength, and finally by
increasing specification number. Again, refer back to para.
2.1 for a discussion on nominal composition.
Nonferrous materials are presented using the same logic
as in Tables 1B and 2B; see para. 2.2 for that
2.6 TABLE 4
Table 4 provides design stress intensities for bolting
materials used in Section III, Division 1, Classes 1 and

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MC; Section III, Division 3; and Section III, Division 5;
and allowable stresses for bolting materials used in Section
VIII, Division 2 using Section VIII, Division 2, Part
5 and Annex 5.F.
Table 4 is organized in the same manner as Table 3
first covering ferrous materials and then nonferrous materials
except that Table 4 covers far fewer materials.
For the ordering logic, again refer to paras. 2.1 and 2.2
for ferrous and nonferrous materials, respectively.
2.7 TABLE 5A
Table 5A provides allowable stresses for ferrous materials
for Section VIII, Division 2, Class 2 construction. This
table is organized in the same manner as Table 1A. Refer
back to para. 2.1 for that description.
2.8 TABLE 5B
Table 5B provides allowable stresses for nonferrous
materials for Section VIII, Division 2, Class 2 construction.
This table is organized in the same manner as Table 1B.
Refer back to para. 2.2 for that description.
2.9 TABLE 6A
Table 6A provides allowable stresses for ferrous materials
for Section IV construction. This Table is organized
in the same manner as Table 1A. Refer back to para. 2.1
for that description.
2.10 TABLE 6B
Table 6B provides allowable stresses for nonferrous
materials for Section IV construction. This Table is organized
in the same manner as Table 1B. Refer back to para.
2.2 for that description.
2.11 TABLE 6C
Table 6C provides allowable stresses for Section IV construction
of lined water heaters. This Table is organized in
the same manner as Table 1A. Refer back to para. 2.1 for
that description.
2.12 TABLE 6D
Table 6D provides allowable stresses for Section IV
construction of unlined water heaters. This Table is organized
in the same manner as Table 1A. Refer back to para.
2.1 for that description.
Ultimate tensile strength values and yield strength values
are to be used in design calculations according to the
rules of the Construction Codes. However, they are not to
be construed as minimum strength values at temperature.
This is explained in the General Notes to these tables.
Paragraphs 3.1 through 3.3 provide a tablebytable listing
of the materialsorganization logic.