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ASME BPVC 2023 Section II part A-2

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SA-451/SA-451M ASME BPVC.II.A-2023
7.2 It is realized that the foundry may be unable to perform
the hydrostatic test prior to shipment, or that the purchaser may
wish to defer testing until additional work has been performed
on the casting. In such cases, the foundry is responsible for the
satisfactory performance of the casting when it is tested.
8. Quality
8.1 The surface of the casting shall be examined visually
and shall be free from cracks and hot tears. Other surface
defects shall be judged in accordance with visual acceptance
criteria which may be specified in the order.
9. Rework and Retreatment
9.1 Defects as defined in Section 8 shall be removed and
their removal verified by visual inspection of the resultant
cavities. Defects which are located by inspecting with Supplementary
Requirement S6 or S7, or both, shall be removed or
reduced to an acceptable size.
9.2 If removal of the defect does not infringe upon the
minimum wall thickness, the depression may be blended
uniformly into the surrounding surface.
9.3 If the cavity resulting from defect removal infringes
upon the minimum wall thickness, weld repair is permitted
subject to the purchasers approval. The composition of the
weld rod used shall be suitable for the composition of the metal
being welded.
9.3.1 Only operators and procedures qualified in accordance
with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, shall
be used. All repair welds will be inspected to the same quality
standards used to inspect the casting.
9.4 Postweld heat-treatment of the repaired casting is neither
required nor prohibited.
10. Permissible Variations in Dimensions
10.1 ThicknessThe wall thickness shall not vary over that
specified by more than 18 in. 3 mm. There shall be no
variation under the specified wall thickness.
11. General Requirements
11.1 Material furnished under this specification shall conform
to the applicable requirements of the current edition of
Specification A999/A999M, unless otherwise provided herein.
12. Rejection
12.1 Each length of pipe received from the manufacturer
may be inspected by the purchaser and, if it does not meet the
requirements of the specification based on the inspection and
test method as outlined in the specification, the pipe may be
rejected and the manufacturer shall be notified. Disposition of
rejected pipe shall be a matter of agreement between the
manufacturer and the purchaser.
13. Rehearing
13.1 Samples that represent rejected material shall be preserved

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for 2 weeks from the date of transmission of the test
report. In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the tests, the
manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing within that time.
14. Certification
14.1 Upon request of the purchaser in the contract or order,
a manufacturers certification that the material was manufactured
and tested in accordance with this specification, together
with a report of the test results, shall be furnished at the time
of shipment.
15. Product Marking
15.1 Each length of pipe shall be legibly marked with the
manufacturers name or brand, the letters ASTM, the specification
number, and grade. In addition, heat numbers, or serial
numbers that are traceable to heat numbers, shall be marked on
each length of pipe.
16. Keywords
16.1 austenitic; centrifugally cast; height; high-temperature
service; stainless steel; steel castings
Supplementary requirements shall be applied only when specified by the purchaser. Details of the
supplementary requirements shall be agreed upon by the manufacturer and purchaser. The specified
tests shall be performed by the manufacturer prior to shipment of the castings.
S1. Additional Tension Tests
S1.1 Additional tension tests shall be made at a temperature
to be specified by the customer, and the properties to be met are
a matter of agreement between purchaser and manufacturer.
S2. Flattening Test
S2.1 The flattening test shall be made on specimens from
one or both ends of each length of pipe. If the specimen from
any end of any length fails to conform to the requirements of
Specification A999/A999M, that length shall be rejected.
S3. Photomicrographs
S3.1 The manufacturer shall furnish one photomicrograph
at 100 diameters from one specimen of as-finished pipe from
each heat in each heat-treatment lot. Such photomicrographs
shall be suitably identified as to pipe size, wall thickness, and
heat. Such photomicrographs are for information only, to show
the actual metal structure of the pipe as furnished. No photomicrographs
for the individual pieces purchased shall be
required except as specified in Supplementary Requirement S4.