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IES LM-79-19Approved Method: Optical and Electrical Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Productsstandard by Illuminating Engineering Society, 2019
IES RES-2-19IES Research Report: Lighting for Parking Facilitiesstandard by Illuminating Engineering Society, 2019
IES TM-35-19Technical Memorandum: Projecting Long-term Chromaticity Coordinate Shift of LED Packages, Arrays, and Modulesstandard by Illuminating Engineering Society, 2019
IES TM-34-19Technical Memorandum: Calculation Procedures and Specification Criteria for Lighting Calculationsstandard by Illuminating Engineering Society, 2019
IES TM-32-19Technical Memorandum: Lighting Parameters For Building Information Modelingstandard by Illuminating Engineering Society, 2019
IES TM-21-19Technical Memorandum: Projecting Long-Term Lumen, Photon, and Radiant Flux Maintenance of LED Light Sourcesstandard by Illuminating Engineering Society, 2019
IES RP-40-19Recommended Practice: Lighting Port Terminalsstandard by Illuminating Engineering Society, 2019
IES LM-75-19Approved Method: Guide to Goniometer Measurements and Types, and Photometric Coordinate Systemsstandard by Illuminating Engineering Society, 2019
IES RP-1-12 Addendum 2Addendum to American National Standard Practice for Office LightingAmendment by Illuminating Engineering Society, 11/06/2018
IES TM-36-18Technical Memorandum on the Use of Solid State Lighting in Sports Lighting Applicationsstandard by Illuminating Engineering Society, 10/22/2018
IES TM-33-18Standard Format for the Electronic Transfer of Luminaire Optical Datastandard by Illuminating Engineering Society, 09/04/2018
IES LM-88-18Optical and Electrical Measurements of AC-LED Packages and Arraysor Modulesstandard by Illuminating Engineering Society, 09/01/2018