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SPC GB/T 14294-2008e


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SPC GB/T 14294-2008e Central-Station Air Handling Unit (TEXT OF DOCUMENT IS IN ENGLISH)

standard by Standards Press of China, 06/01/2009

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Full Description

Please note: This publication has been translated into English and may contain some spelling, grammatical, and other minor editorial errors.

This standard specifies the terms and definition, classification and mark, materials, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packing, transporting and storing, product catalog and the basic contents of product catalog and product specification of central-station air handling unit ("unit" for short).

This standard is applicable to the unit that has the assembling functional sections and is able to realize at least one of the following air handling functions such as delivery, mixing, heating, cooling, dehumidification, humidification, filtration, noise damping and heat recovery.

Those unit which take brine, glycol and direct-evaporation coil as the coolant as well as the ones adopting electric heater may refer to the standard.

This standard is not applicable to air conditioner with self-equipped cool and heat source, fan-coil unit and fan heater unit.