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EEMUA Publication 218


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EEMUA Publication 218 Quality Requirements for the Manufacture and Supply of Duplex Stainless Steels, Revised 2015

standard by Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association, 01/01/2010

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This publication provides minimum quality requirements and recommendations for the manufacture and supply of duplex stainless steels. It covers all grades of duplex stainless steel and all components for both offshore (subsea and topsides) and onshore applications in the energy, chemical and other process industries. EEMUA 218 is aimed at manufacturers, designers, purchasers, stockists and end-users of these materials, all of whom have a role in ensuring quality. The consequences of using duplex stainless steel components that fail to meet requirements can be extremely serious. EEMUA members have noticed inconsistency in the quality of duplex steel components globally, despite most manufacturers and stockists having quality systems and detailed manufacturing specifications in place: hence the reason for developing this Publication.