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AWWA C603-05
Installation of Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipestandard by American Water Works Association, 05/01/2005
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This standard covers the installation of water pipelines constructed of asbestos cement pressure pipe with fittings and appurtenances of asbestos cement, cast iron, other materials, or a combination of any of these. For specific projects, a thorough review of this standard is recommended. Any special requirements not included in this standard should be incorporated in the purchaser's specifications. Section 1 discusses scope, purpose and application. Sections 2 and 3 list references and definitions. Section 4 discusses requirements, including: permeation; alignment and grade; excavation and preparation of trench; laying of pipe; joint of pipe to valves, hydrants, and fittings; setting of hydrants, valves, and fittings; plugging dead ends; backfill procedure before and after tests; and, disinfection. Section 5 discusses pressure and leakage tests. Section 6 discusses marking, storage and handling.