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Lunar Concrete is the exciting new symposium volume which explores the production and use of concrete on the moon. Contained within 20 technical papers from well-known authorities on lunar concrete are details on lunar base construction, use of lunar resources, lunar concrete formulation, forming and placing lunar concrete, reinforcing lunar concrete, and environmental effects of lunar concrete, optimizing lunar concrete and much more.
It may at first seem outrageous that concrete could be considered as primary material of construction for use on the Moon. However, a small group of scientists and engineers, many of them represented in this collection of papers, have persevered in examining this outrageous premise.
Most, perhaps all, of the materials needed to make concrete are naturally present on the lunar surface. Although they have to be extracted and transformed, the energy required to do that, and probably the cost, is much less than that which would be required to bring the same quantity of material from the Earth to use on the Moon. The technology for utilizing these natural materials of the Moon would appear to be straightforward modifications of techniques that have been developed for terrestrial applications.