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ACI Manual of Concrete Practice (MCP) is the most comprehensive concrete reference set available. It contains all of the widely used ACI concrete and masonry code requirements, specifications, guides and reports. Whether you're searching for information about code requirements, deflection, cracking, durability problems, temperature control, nondestructive testing, or hundreds of other topic areas, the MCP can help you find what you need. With more than 170 documents in the set, you have access to the combined knowledge and experience of 2,000-plus ACI committee members who developed these documents. Design professionals, concrete producers, contractors, and owners will use this collection of documents for guidance in nearly all aspects of concrete design, construction, and maintenance including:
Design of reinforced concrete and masonry structures Design and construction of floors on grade, pavements, and parking lots Specification writing Concrete mixture proportioning Concrete mixing, transporting, and placing Hot- and cold-weather concreting Formwork Curing Inspection and testing Construction tolerances Repair, renovation, and rehabilitation Troubleshooting
The 2002 version of the ACI Manual of Concrete Practice is even more comprehensive. The new edition contains six different volumes including a separate index. Documents are easier to locate because they're arranged in numerical order.