This special publication contains the papers presented at the Fourth International ACI/CANMET Conference held in Olinda, Pernambuco, Brazil, on September 6-7, 2005. It contains 32 papers on recent advances in concrete materials and testing on topics of chemical admixtures; deformations, creep, and cracking control; durability; fiber concrete; fire resistance; nondestructive tests; quality control; strengthening of structures; structural behavior; supplementary cementing materials; and sustainability. Specific papers include: Self Consolidating Concrete, High-Performance and Normal Concrete Affected by Creep at Different Age, Curing, Load Level, Strength, and Water-Cement Ratio with some Interrelated Properties; Properties of Concrete with Recycled Concrete Coarse Aggregates; Application of Different Curing Procedures in High-Performance Concrete; and many more.