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New ABMA-Boiler 402 View larger

ABMA-Boiler 402


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ABMA-Boiler 402 Boiler Water Quality Requirements and Associated Steam Quality for Industrial/Commercial and Institutional Boilers

standard by American Boiler Manufacturers Association, 10/01/2005

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This new ABMA publication brings together into one, central 70+-page reference book all the information previously contained in two separate documents, updated with the latest information and consensus on the effects of various feedwater and condensate systems on boiler operation, and information on boiler water and steam testing as well as system care and maintenance.

The purpose of this publication is to acquaint engineers, purchasers and operators ofindustrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) boilers with ABMA's judgment as to therelationship between boiler water quality and boiler performance. This document ispublished for general guidance as a supplement to detailed operating manuals supplied bythe equipment manufacturers. It should also be noted that the information presented isdirected to steel boiler designs, as opposed to cast iron sectional or copper finned tubeboilers. Furthermore Utility Boilers and Combined Cycle Boilers, which requireextremely close control of water quality and steam purity, are not the topic of thisdocument.

This new document combines two previous ABMA Guideline documents, namely "BoilerWater Requirements and Associated Steam Purity for Commercial Boilers" (1998), and"Boiler Water Limits and Achievable Steam Purity for Watertube Boilers", (1995).